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Getting Started

The API is the best way to get data from the platform. It is a simple REST API that allows you to query data from the platform.


Some API endpoints may require authentication, which is done by passing an API key in the request headers. You can create an API key in your profile.

The API key should be passed in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. For example:

Authorization: Bearer <api-key>

You can verify you’ve authenticated correctly by hitting the GET /v1/me endpoint.


The API currently doesn’t have a rate limit, we plan on implementing one in the future. We do ask that you set a meaningful User-Agent header when making requests to the API. This can be ignored if your request is on the client-side via a website, as your User-Agent will be automatically set by the browser.

What makes a meaningful User-Agent header? uses the User-Agent header to identify your application and track usage. It’s important to set a meaningful User-Agent header to help us improve the platform.

We suggest a User-Agent header looks something like this:

  • Application name/version (contact-url)
  • Application name/version (contact-email)

Here are some examples of meaningful User-Agent headers: